TileHillKid.UK - Tile Hill Lane
map of Tile Hill Lane [between Hearsall and The Old Reformatory] c1889
Tile Hill
Lane, looking towards Hearsall © Copyright
E Gammie
and licensed for reuse under this Creative
Commons Licence.
A45, Fletchamstead Highway,
looking towards Tile Hill Lane © Copyright
E Gammie
and licensed for reuse under this Creative
Commons Licence.
Tile Hill Lane, Fletchampstead Highway roundabout, c.1958
Tile Hill
Lane, looking back towards A45 © Copyright
E Gammie
and licensed for reuse under this Creative
Commons Licence.
Co-op Corner
of Tile Hill Lane and Eastcotes ©
Copyright David
Walton and licensed for reuse under this Creative
Commons Licence.
Tile Hill Lane [Newlands] Shops included:
Coventry Cooperative Store
Chemist, with Janita's Hairdressers over
Hall's Newsagents
Hardware Store
Perks-Liptons Foodstore
St James Church
Hudson's Petrol Garage [opp.the church] - prop. Eric Hudson
1881 Census
Tile Hill Lane
Census Place: Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Source: FHL Film 1341738 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 3096 Folio 48 Page 4
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
Edward CLARKE M 42 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Head
Occ: Ag Lab
Mary A. CLARKE M 40 F Aston, Warwick, England
Rel: Wife
Charles W. CLARKE U 21 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Ag Lab
Robert CLARKE U 16 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Ag Lab
Helen CLARKE 13 F Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Daur
Occ: Scholar
Harry CLARKE 11 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
Mary A. CLARKE 9 F Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Daur
Occ: Scholar
Lucy C. CLARKE 6 F Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Daur
Occ: Scholar
Frederick J. CLARKE 4 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Thomas E. CLARKE 1 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Mary A. NEAL W 71 F Aston, Warwick, England
Rel: Wifes Mother
Dwelling: Tile Hill Lane
Census Place: Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Source: FHL Film 1341738 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 3096 Folio 48 Page 4
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
Thomas HANDS M 43 M Banbury, Oxford, England
Rel: Head
Occ: Ag Lab
Ellen HANDS M 41 F Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Wife
Thomas HANDS U 15 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Ag Lab
Annie E. HANDS 11 F Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Daur
Occ: Scholar
Walter HANDS 8 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
Emma HANDS 6 F Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Daur
Occ: Scholar
Albert HANDS 2 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Dwelling: Tile Hill Lane
Census Place: Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Source: FHL Film 1341738 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 3096 Folio 49 Page 5
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
Charles CLARKE M 36 M Wadborough, Worcester, England
Rel: Head
Occ: Ag Lab
Martha CLARKE M 38 F Birlingham, Worcester, England
Rel: Wife
Amy S. CLARKE 12 F Northfield, Worcester, England
Rel: Daur
Occ: Scholar
Dwelling: Tile Hill Lane
Census Place: Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Source: FHL Film 1341738 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 3096 Folio 49 Page 5
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
Thomas BIDDLE M 64 M Berkswell, Warwick, England
Rel: Head
Occ: Shepherd
Eliza BIDDLE M 44 F Aston, Warwick, England
Rel: Wife
Occ: Laundress
Sarah SPARROW U 25 F Aston, Warwick, England
Rel: Neice
Occ: Serv Domestic
Robert BEESLEY U 25 M Ditton Reset, Lancashire, England
Rel: Boader
Occ: Watchmaker Finisher
Dwelling: Tile Hill Lane
Census Place: Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Source: FHL Film 1341738 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 3096 Folio 49 Page 5
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
Thomas E. PRATT M 44 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Head
Occ: Ag Lab
Ann PRATT M 40 F Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Wife
Walter G. PRATT 13 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
Emily PRATT 11 F Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Daur
Occ: Scholar
Arthur H. PRATT 9 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
Charles PRATT 7 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
Edward J. PRATT 5 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
Dwelling: Tile Hill Lane
Census Place: Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Source: FHL Film 1341738 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 3096 Folio 49 Page 5
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
James WOOD M 53 M Tachbrooke, Warwick, England
Rel: Head
Occ: Ag Lab
Emma WOOD M 50 F Streton On Dunsmore, Warwick, England
Rel: Wife
William WOOD U 24 M Coventry, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Ag Lab (Waggoner)
Sarah A. WOOD U 22 F Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Daur
Occ: Cook Domestic Unemployed
1851 Census
Head: BENNETT, David
Name Relationship Mar Age Sex Occupation Birthplace
David BENNETT Head M 47 M Shepherd Solihull-War
Elizabeth BENNETT Wife M 47 F --- Sheldon-War
Address: Tile Hill Lane,
St John Westwood
Census Place: Stoneleigh Warwick, Warwickshire
PRO Reference: HO/107/2073 Folio: 31 Page: 17 FHL Film: 0087339
Head: SWAIN, Solomon
Name Relationship Mar Age Sex Occupation Birthplace
Solomon SWAIN Head M 50 M Farm Lab Stoneleigh-War
Susans SWAIN Wife M 45 F --- Corley-War
Sarah SWAIN Moth W 89 F Recieving Parish Relief Allesley-War
William SWAIN Neph U 19 M Servant Out Of Work Coventry St Johns-War
Address: Tile Hill Lane, St John Westwood
Census Place: Stoneleigh Warwick, Warwickshire
PRO Reference: HO/107/2073 Folio: 32 Page: 19 FHL Film: 0087339
Head: HALE, Mary
Name Relationship Mar Age Sex Occupation Birthplace
Mary HALE Head W 61 F Farmer 32 Acres Emp 1 Lab Stoneleigh-War
James GILKS Neph U 26 M Farm Sevt Stoneleigh-War
Sarah GILKS Vist U 28 F Neice To Mary Hale Stoneleigh-War
Address: Tile Hill Lane, St John Westwood
Census Place: Stoneleigh Warwick, Warwickshire
PRO Reference: HO/107/2073 Folio: 32 Page: 19 FHL Film: 0087339
Head: WAGSTAFF, William
Name Relationship Mar Age Sex Occupation Birthplace
William WAGSTAFF Head M 66 M Farm Lab Newnham-Nth
Mary WAGSTAFF Wife M 70 F --- Stoneleigh-War
Sarah WAGSTAFF Daur U 26 F Farm Dau Stoneleigh-War
Maria PHILLIPS Vist U 15 F Surveyors Dau Coventry-War
Address: Tile Hill
Lane, St John Westwood
Census Place: Stoneleigh Warwick, Warwickshire
PRO Reference: HO/107/2073 Folio: 32 Page: 19 FHL Film: 008733
map of Tile Hill Lane [between The Old Reformatory and Tile Hill Farm] c1889
Templars Primary School
Templars Secondary Modern School for Girls
Tile Hill College
Copyright David
Stowell and licensed for reuse under this Creative
Commons Licence.
Tile Hill
College being demolished © Copyright
Williams and licensed for reuse under this Creative
Commons Licence.
Tile Hill
Lane, near Tile Hill College, looking west
© Copyright David
Stowell and licensed for reuse under this Creative
Commons Licence.
the old College buildings
[photo: Snowmanradio]
Hereward College [incl. residential]
opp. The Woodlands pub1881 Census
Jobs Lane Lymbrick Farm
Census Place: Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Source: FHL Film 1341738 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 3096 Folio 48 Page 4
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
William ALLEN M 46 M Pylle, Somerset, England
Rel: Head
Occ: Farmer 48 Acres Employg 2 Boys
Sarah ALLEN M 46 F Dichet, Somerset, England
Rel: Wife
Occ: Farmers Wife
William ALLEN U 19 M Bromley, Kent, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Milkman
Albert E. ALLEN 14 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Farmers Boy
Mary J. ALLEN 13 F Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Daur
Occ: Scholar
George H. ALLEN 11 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
Sarah A. ALLEN 9 F Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Daur
Occ: Scholar
1851 Census
Head: BANT, Joseph
Name Relationship Mar Age Sex Occupation Birthplace
Joseph BANT Head M 34 M Gardeners Lab Stoneleigh-War
Eliza BANT Wife M 29 F --- Welton-Nth
Mary A. BANT Daur U 7 F --- Stoneleigh-War
William BANT Son - 5 M --- Stoneleigh-War
Emma BANT Daur - 6m F --- Stoneleigh-War
Address: Jobs Lane, St John Westwood
Census Place: Stoneleigh Warwick, Warwickshire
PRO Reference: HO/107/2073 Folio: 32 Page: 19 FHL Film: 0087339
map of Tile Hill Lane [between Tile Hill Farm and Tile Hill Village] c1889
Tile Hill
Lane, Tile Hill Village end © Copyright
Stowell and licensed for reuse under this Creative
Commons Licence. ;
1881 Census
Arnold Cottages, Tile Hill
Census Place: Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Source: FHL Film 1341738 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 3096 Folio 48 Page 3
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
Fanny ARNOLD W 79 F Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Head
Occ: Annuitant
Dwelling: Tile
Census Place: Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Source: FHL Film 1341738 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 3096 Folio 48 Page 3
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
Elizabeth SAMMONS U 40 F Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Head
Occ: Annuitant
Dwelling: Tile Hill Farm
Census Place: Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Source: FHL Film 1341738 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 3096 Folio 48 Page 3
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
William SAMMONS M 56 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Head
Occ: Farmer 250 Acres Employing 4 Men 11 Boy
Jane SAMMONS M 58 F Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Wife
Occ: Farmers Wife
Amy COOPER U 15 F Eastern Green, Warwick, England
Rel: Serv
Occ: Dairymaid Ag ((Dom))
William HANDS U 17 M Stoneleigh, Warwick, England
Rel: Serv
Occ: Serv Farm (Indoor)
1851 Census
Head: SAMMONS, William
Name Relationship Mar Age Sex Occupation Birthplace
William SAMMONS Head U 25 M Farmer 150 Acres Emp 2 Lab Stoneleigh-War
Susannah SAMMONS Sis U 29 F House Keeper Stoneleigh-War
Ann SHORNET Serv U 20 F House Maid Stoneleigh-War
Henry BUBB Serv U 21 M Carter Bidford-War
William SKELCHE Serv U 23 M House Sevt Cubington-War
Address: Tile Hill Farm,
St John Westwood
Census Place: Stoneleigh Warwick, Warwickshire
PRO Reference: HO/107/2073 Folio: 33 Page: 20 FHL Film: 0087339
Head: ARNOLD, William
Name Relationship Mar Age Sex Occupation Birthplace
William ARNOLD Head W 85 M Farmer 90 Acres Emp 2 Lab Berkswell-War
Mary ARNOLD Daur U 50 F Farmer Dau Berkswell-War
Elizabeth ARNOLD Daur U 46 F Farmer Dau Berkswell-War
Danil MILLER Serv U 16 M Cow Boy Stoneleigh-War
Address: Tile Hill House, St John Westwood
Census Place: Stoneleigh Warwick, Warwickshire
PRO Reference: HO/107/2073 Folio: 33 Page: 20 FHL Film: 0087339
Head: STOCKLEY, John
Name Relationship Mar Age Sex Occupation Birthplace
John STOCKLEY Head M 40 M Farm Lab Hornton-Oxf
Susannah STOCKLEY Wife M 50 F --- Nuneaton-War
Levy STOCKLEY Son - 13 M Farm Son Stoneleigh-War
Address: Tile Hill Lane, St John Westwood
Census Place: Stoneleigh Warwick, Warwickshire
PRO Reference: HO/107/2073 Folio: 33 Page: 21 FHL Film: 0087339
Hill Kid - Links
please scroll to click on links below
Tile Hill Kid
Walk of Fame - Stars
Arnold Cottages
Bell Inn, Tile Hill Village
Canley Gates [Railway]
Canley Hill
Connoway Farm
Duggins Lane WW2 Hostel
The Old Smithy, Duggins Lane
Fletchampstead Farm
Fletchampstead Hall
Hearsall Farm
Hereward [Further Education] College
Jardine Crescent
Leigh [CofE] Primary School
Limbrick Farm
Limbrick Wood
Limbrick Wood Primary
Massey-Ferguson Company
Newlands Pub and Shops
Old Reformatory
Our Lady of the Assumption
[Catholic] Primary School
Park Wood
Pig Wood
Plants Hill Wood
Pound, Tile Hill Lane
Rough Close
Standard Motor Company
Standard-Triumph Social Club
Tanyard Farm
School Reunion
Templars School
The Old Smithy, Duggins Lane
Tile Hill [Further Education] College
Tile Hill Cottages
Tile Hill Farm
Tile Hill Lane
Tile Hill Station [Railway]
Tile Hill Village
Tile Hill Wood
Tile Hill Woodlands Local Nature Reserve
Tile Hill Wood [Girls] Secondary School
Wakefield Cottages
Wakefield Crossing [Railway]
Westwood Vicarage
School Reunion
School History
Whoberley Hall
Whoberley Villa
Woodlands [Boys] Secondary School
Hill Street Pics
Westcotes 1945 Street Party
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