TileHillKid.UK - Limbrick Wood
map of Limbrick Wood [North Waste] [off Jobs Lane] c1889
of present-day Jardine Crescent Shopping Precinct lies over 23 acres known today
as "Limbrick Wood", but known in the past as 'Great North Waste' [1776
map] and 'North Waste' [1889 map above], 'waste' meaning land neither farmed
nor managed as woodland. The fields below the wood were called 'Little' and
'Great, Broom Fields'. The wood is mixed deciduous and coniferous, more or less
a level site, 122 feet above sea level.
The Medieval name for the area was 'Lingbok' - 'Linge' being Celtic - 'Llyn'
meaning 'liquid/water' and 'cain' meaning 'clear', hence 'Limbrick' - 'The brook
with clear water'. Nearby in Jobs Lane stood "Limbrick Farm", long
since demolished - the wood likely got its name from that farm name.
There are many fine examples of 50 year-old Rowan planted for its berries, greedily
consumed by game birds such as pheasants. Some of the Oak is a coppice origin,
possibly used for bark tannin and charcoal.
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Arnold Cottages
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Canley Gates [Railway]
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Connoway Farm
Duggins Lane WW2 Hostel
The Old Smithy, Duggins Lane
Fletchampstead Farm
Fletchampstead Hall
Hearsall Farm
Hereward [Further Education] College
Jardine Crescent
Leigh [CofE] Primary School
Limbrick Farm
Limbrick Wood
Limbrick Wood Primary
Massey-Ferguson Company
Newlands Pub and Shops
Old Reformatory
Our Lady of the Assumption
[Catholic] Primary School
Park Wood
Pig Wood
Plants Hill Wood
Pound, Tile Hill Lane
Rough Close
Standard Motor Company
Standard-Triumph Social Club
Tanyard Farm
School Reunion
Templars School
The Old Smithy, Duggins Lane
Tile Hill [Further Education] College
Tile Hill Cottages
Tile Hill Farm
Tile Hill Lane
Tile Hill Station [Railway]
Tile Hill Village
Tile Hill Wood
Tile Hill Woodlands Local Nature Reserve
Tile Hill Wood [Girls] Secondary School
Wakefield Cottages
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